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MyFRS :: FRS Resources Forms
DROP Forms
In the 2023 Regular Legislative Session, the Florida Legislature passed bills affecting members andemployers of the Florida Retirement System (FRS) and other state-administered retirement plans.Legislative changes are summarized as follows by the respective bill. As policies and procedures areestablished, the Division of Retirement will notify FRS employers of the changes […]
Changes to FRS and DROP in 2023
By Keith W. Young, Chairman of the DROP Advisory Council Many state, county governement, and school employees are getting ready to retire. Some are leaving early from DROP. Here is a checklist so you can avoid some of the common mistakes others make: Is your retirement paperwork in order? Some forms […]
Avoid these common retirement mistakes!
On December 20, 2019, The SECURE Act became law. The SECURE Act, which is an acronym for “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement” is mainly intended to expand opportunities for more individuals to increase their retirement savings. Here are several major facets of the new law. The required minimum […]