The DROP Advisory Council is a registered council. Its members are financial professionals who are highly skilled and experienced in the retirement field.
When you are considering retiring and entering into Florida’s Deferred Retirement Option Plan or DROP, work with a financial professional who is a member of the DROP Advisory Council.
Why? DROP is one of the most important retirement decisions you will ever make. The DROP process can be daunting and complex. Our DROP Advisory Council members are highly skilled advisers in the field. Through the years, they have helped thousands of DROP participants with their pension options, health insurance, contributory and non-contributory savings plans, and sick pay accounts.
A DROP Council Advisory member will help you determine the exact amount in your FRS retirement account. We will help you calculate your retirement benefits, including DROP benefits. Most importantly, we will help you with all the “right” forms!
Another important aspect is to review your Social Security benefits along with your retirement income and expenses to help you in the retirement planning process. After understanding your liquidity needs, we will design a tax-advantaged solution for your DROP money that can provide an income for life – a paycheck for life!
Through the years, we have helped hundreds retire in dignity with their DROP!
If you would like to work with a member or you need more information, please call 682-230-2201 or e-mail DROP Advisory Council.
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