

DROP Advisory Council members offer Retirement Ready University, a series of educational workshops for you and your spouse.

One of our most popular workshops is a 50+Retirement Workshop. This unique workshop is for the government, non-profit, university and school employees who are 50 years of age and older.

View our scheduled workshops on our calendar page, click here You can sign up for a scheduled workshop on the calendar page.

Take the Steps to Prepare for Retirement

This workshop will help you prepare for retirement by reviewing your retirement income sources and your expected expenses in retirement. We also will look at several strategies that you can implement to improve your retirement outlook.  To learn more, click here.

Retirement Income Sources
Your retirement income sources will include your state pension, Deferred Retirement Option Plan, 403(b) or 457(b) plans, Social Security, Sick Leave Pay and other savings.

Do you have an estimate of how much you will get from each source? Also, have you done an estimate of your retirement expenses. Our DROP Advisory Council members can help you put together estimates and a plan.

We can help you convert some or all of your DROP balance to a guaranteed lifetime income annuity at retirement and create guaranteed income that you cannot outlive. Have you given much thought to your retirement years? Do you plan to create a budget so you won’t use up your savings too fast? How can you be sure you won’t outlive your money? Planning now can help you secure the comfortable retirement you’ve worked so hard to create.

We will help you develop a Retirement Plan
How much income will you need in retirement? That answer is different for everyone. As you create your retirement plan, one of the first steps you should take is to identify your fixed expenses, such as housing, insurance, food, clothing, and medical expenses, as well as your optional recreational activities, such as travel, hobbies, and dining out. Our DROP Advisory Council members recommend you secure enough guaranteed income to cover your fixed expenses — the “must haves.” Once your basic necessities are covered, any leftover amount can be used to enjoy the “nice to haves” of retirement.

If you would like to attend a Retirement Education Workshop or you would like to schedule an individual meeting with a DROP Advisory Council member, please contact us by filling out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.